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Delimited list as parameter: what are the options?

Guy Hengel [angelIII / a3]Billing Engineer

0. Introduction

Earlier or later, every sql developer will be confronted with queries like this:

select * from tbl_employees 
                      where ssn in ('123-456-789','777-777-777');

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But with the issue that the list should be a parameter at some point (either in the sql procedure itself, or the programming language that calls the sql). And to take the MS SQL Server syntax as example, the following does not return an error, but simply does not work:

-- MS SQL Server
                      CREATE PROCEDURE get_employees_from_ssn_list @ssn_list VARCHAR(2000) 
                      AS SELECT * FROM tbl_employees WHERE ssn IN (@ssn_list)

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It will return the one matching employee record if you pass 1 single ssn value to the procedure.
As soon as you pass several items in the list, you will get:
0 records returned.
The explanation is this: for the SQL engine, @ssn_list is 1 single (string/varchar) value, while for the human reader, there is indeed clearly the list. We will see in the next steps the different solutions for this.
Note: in all the examples, we will consider the procedure is called with the list with comma as separator, no spaces, no (additional) quotes inside the list:
exec get_employees_from_ssn_list '123-456-789,777-777-777'

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1. Quick and Dirty: Dynamic SQL

A solution can be found very quickly, and on many forums you will get that answer (unfortunately).
For MSSQL, it's this easy:

-- MS SQL Server
                      CREATE PROCEDURE get_employees_from_ssn_list @ssn_list VARCHAR(2000) 
                      AS EXEC('SELECT * FROM tbl_employees 
                      WHERE ssn IN (''' + @ssn_list + ''')');

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In short, you build the sql "on-the-fly", and execute it. There are 2 issues with this:
SQL injection (in general: READ IT): Wikipedia. I won't go into the details, but take it as a very serious

Security: in MS SQL Server, the dynamic sql will run under the permissions of the caller of the stored procedure, and not of the owner of the stored procedure.
In Oracle, we cannot return a recordset like in MS SQL Server or MySQL, you need to return a ref cursor, and the calling application has to loop somehow through the cursor.
There  is an alternative, for Oracle, using the PIPELINED function method shown later, though, but you might want to explore that yourself
So, the corresponding code would read:
-- Oracle
                      CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_employees_from_ssn_list
                      (p_ssn_list IN VARCHAR2, emp_refcur in out SYS_REFCURSOR)
                        v_SQL varchar(2000);
                        v_SQL := 'SELECT * FROM tbl_employees WHERE ssn IN (''' || p_ssn_list || ''')';
                        OPEN emp_refcur FOR v_SQL;

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As from MySQL 5.x, it's also possible, but a bit more complicated. Here as to be run using the mysql command line:

-- MySQL
                      delimiter //;
                      create procedure get_employees_from_ssn_list(p_ssn_list IN VARCHAR)
                      prepare stmp from CONCAT('SELECT * FROM tbl_employees 
                      WHERE ssn IN (\'', p_ssn_list , '\')';
                      execute stmp;
                      deallocate prepare stmp;
                      delimiter ;// 

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Due to the issues noted above, please do NOT use that kind of syntax, but read further!


2. Inefficient Method

Another method you will find is the a syntax using LIKE to find a match in the string. This trick can sometimes be very useful, but used alone, the big issue with this is performance: it will be unable to use any index on the ssn field.

-- MS SQL Server
                      CREATE PROCEDURE get_employees_from_ssn_list @ssn_list VARCHAR(2000) 
                      AS SELECT * 
                          FROM tbl_employees 
                         WHERE ',' + @ssn_list + ',' LIKE '%,' + ssn + ',%';

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The explanation of how it works is obvious once you replace, for visualization, the variable and the column value:
WHERE ',123-456-789,777-777-777,' LIKE '%,123-456-789,%'

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Hint: if the field ssn was of numerical data type, you would need to write cast(ssn as varchar(100)), for example.

As usual, the translation for MySQL:
-- MySQL
                      delimiter //;
                      create procedure get_employees_from_ssn_list(p_ssn_list IN VARCHAR)
                       SELECT * 
                         FROM tbl_employees 
                        WHERE CONCAT(',', p_ssn_list , ',')  LIKE CONCAT('%,', ssn, ',%');

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You might find the built-in FIND_IN_SET function from MySQL a very tempting alternative:
-- MySQL
                      delimiter //;
                      create procedure get_employees_from_ssn_list(p_ssn_list IN VARCHAR)
                        SELECT * 
                          FROM tbl_employees 
                         WHERE FIND_IN_SET(ssn, p_ssn_list) > 0;

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To finish, the Oracle version (I hope you don't get lost in the quotes):

-- Oracle
                      CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_employees_from_ssn_list
                      (p_ssn_list IN VARCHAR2, emp_refcur in out SYS_REFCURSOR)
                        v_SQL varchar(2000);
                        v_SQL := 'SELECT * FROM tbl_employees 
                             WHERE '',' || p_ssn_list || ','' LIKE ''%,'' || ssn || '',%'' ';
                        OPEN emp_refcur FOR v_SQL;

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3. Parse the list into a set

As we understood so far, IN (@parameter) does not work, because the SQL engine only sees 1 value. Though the 2 suggestions above are quick to implement, they have very serious drawbacks.
So, we need to get a true list from that string. In my MS SQL Servers, I have this function implemented:

-- MS SQL Server
                      CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ParmsToList 
                      (@Parameters varchar(8000), @delimiter varchar(10) )
                      -- SQL 2005+ version would change the varchar(8000) into varchar(max)
                      returns @result TABLE (Value varchar(8000), row_num int identity )
                        declare @dx varchar(9)
                        if @delimiter is null  set @delimiter = ' '
                        if datalength(@delimiter) < 1 set @delimiter = ' '
                        set @dx = left(@delimiter, datalength(@delimiter)-1)
                        declare @Value varchar(8000), @Pos int
                        set @Parameters = @Parameters + @delimiter
                        set @Pos = CHARINDEX(@delimiter, @Parameters, 1)
                        IF REPLACE(@Parameters, @delimiter, @dx) <> ''
                          WHILE @Pos > 0 
                            SET @Value = LEFT(@Parameters, @Pos - 1)
                            IF @Value <> ''
                              INSERT INTO @result (Value) 
                              VALUES (@Value) 
                            SET @Parameters = SUBSTRING(@Parameters, @Pos+ datalength(@delimiter),8000)
                            SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@delimiter, @Parameters, 1)
                          END --WHILE @Pos > 0 
                        END -- IF REPLACE(@Parameters, @delimiter, @dx) <> ''

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and the function is used like this:
-- MS SQL Server
                      CREATE PROCEDURE get_employees_from_ssn_list @ssn_list VARCHAR(2000) 
                      AS SELECT * 
                           FROM tbl_employees 
                          WHERE ssn IN (SELECT VALUE FROM dbo.ParmsToList(@ssn_list,',') );

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I will not discuss (here) on how efficient my function is, as that is out of the scope of this article.

note: the row_num field returned by my function is to allow ordering of the result set by the order in which the items are in the list, if that is needed, using the join syntax:
-- MS SQL Server
                      CREATE PROCEDURE get_employees_from_ssn_list @ssn_list VARCHAR(2000) 
                      AS SELECT e.* 
                           FROM tbl_employees e
                           JOIN dbo.ParmsToList(@ssn_list,',') f
                               ON f.value = e.ssn 
                          ORDER BY f.row_num;

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In MySQL, there is no alternative, unfortunately, as:
user-defined functions can only return single values

procedures cannot be used (like in most other databases) directly inside a query
If you find differently, please post, and I will update the article accordingly (with credits).

In Oracle, I implemented a similar function than in SQL Server, using the PIPELINED technique. We will need a preparation, though:
-- Oracle
                      CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE myVarcharTable AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2

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Now, we can create our function:

-- Oracle
                      create or replace FUNCTION get_rows_from_list
                      (l in LONG default null, sep in varchar2 default ',')
                      return myVarcharTable PIPELINED
                        l_pos INT := 1;
                        l_next INT;
                        l_part VARCHAR(500);
                        select instr( l, sep, l_pos) into l_next FROM DUAL;
                        while (l_next>0)
                          select substr(l, l_pos, l_next - l_pos) into l_part FROM DUAL;
                          pipe row(l_part);
                          select l_next + 1, instr( l, sep, l_pos) 
                            into l_pos, l_next   FROM DUAL;
                        end loop;
                        select substr(l, l_pos) into l_part FROM DUAL;
                        pipe row(l_part);

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And the usage would be like this:

-- Oracle
                      CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_employees_from_ssn_list
                      (p_ssn_list IN VARCHAR2, emp_refcur in out SYS_REFCURSOR)
                        OPEN emp_refcur FOR 
                          SELECT ssn, last_name, first_name 
                            FROM tbl_employees 
                           WHERE ssn IN (SELECT column_value
                                   FROM TABLE(get_rows_from_list(p_ssn_list, ','))

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You now have a method to do this without dynamic sql, though still nice and easy-to-read code, and possibly using a index on ssn field. You will see that you can reuse that function quite often in your developments.

4. Parse using XML features

Again, we must leave MySQL out of the picture, as it does not (yet) have the XML features required.
MySQl 5.1 does have some XML support, but there is no method to get a set from the xml:

With MS SQL Server 2005 or higher, we could delegate the parsing to XML. You can choose the tag names as you wish (XML is case sensitive!), I choose the shortest possible length; the  stands for table, while  stands for row.

-- MS SQL Server
                      create function dbo.ParmsToListViaXML
                      (@Parameters varchar(8000), @delimiter varchar(10) )
                      returns @result TABLE (Value varchar(8000), row_num int identity )
                        declare @XML XML
                        SET @XML  = '<t><r>' +  Replace(@Parameters , @delimiter, '</r><r>') + '</r></t>'
                        INSERT INTO @result (value)
                        SELECT t.r.value('.','VARCHAR(8000)') AS val
                          FROM @XML.nodes('/t/r') as t(r)

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The usage is the same as for my other version. Of course, this function could have a brother that accepts the xml directly, or you could use that directly in your procedure, avoiding the additional function call.
For SQL 2000, you could use the OpenXML function to implement the same.

As from Oracle 9i, we can implement the same XML parsing:
-- Oracle
                      CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_employees_from_ssn_list
                      (p_ssn_list IN VARCHAR2, emp_refcur in out SYS_REFCURSOR)
                       v_ssn_list varchar2(2000);
                       v_ssn_list := '<t><r>' || replace( p_ssn_list, ',',  '</r><r>') || '</r></t>';
                       OPEN emp_refcur FOR 
                         SELECT ssn, last_name, first_name 
                           FROM tbl_employees 
                           WHERE ssn IN ( SELECT extract(value(t), '/r/text()').getStringval() 
                                            FROM table(xmlsequence( extract(xmltype(v_ssn_list), '/t/r'))) t 

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For both MS SQL Server and Oracle codes, not being used to XML in general, it took me a couple of hours to get both working correctly. Hence, don't be discouraged if you don't understand the syntax right away.

5. Even other alternatives

I got reference of this page: (thanks aikimark). Though it's dedicated to MS SQL, it contains another one I wanted to point out to be "complete", however it is a bit "cryptic" to understand on how it works. See Method 5: Using a table of numbers or pivot table, to parse the comma separated list.. The same concept will work for MySQL and Oracle, you only have to change the function names as needed. update: found the "same" method, adjusted for MS SQL Server 2005 in this article

With MS SQL Server, we could explore even another method, using CLR (.net) stored procedures.
However, as with the XML table, for the simple task given here, the overhead will just be not worth the effort.
For Oracle, the corresponding feature would be java stored procedures/functions.
I do agree that T-SQL and PL/SQL are not necessarily more efficient to parse the CSV/XML. However, for the task given, it is efficient enough rather than call for "outside" methods.

6. IN and it's alternatives

For sake of simplicity, I sticked with the IN (subselect) in steps 3 and 4. Of course, for matters of performance, you could first insert the results of the parsing code into a intermediate (temp) table, and then use either of the 3 syntax:

-- MS SQL Server
                      SELECT e.* FROM tmp_employees e 
                      WHERE ssn IN ( select t.SSN FROM temp_table t);

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-- MS SQL Server
                      SELECT e.* FROM tmp_employees e 
                      WHERE EXISTS ( select null FROM temp_table t WHERE t.ssn = e.ssn);

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-- MS SQL Server
                      SELECT e.* FROM tmp_employees e  
                      JOIN temp_table t 
                         ON t.ssn = e.ssn;

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the IN() syntax will require that the subquery does NOT return a NULL value.

the JOIN syntax will require the temp table has no duplicates

in MS SQL Server, you can use either a #temp table, or a @table variable
You could also bypass the (temp) table, and join directly to the function, as I showed already above:

-- MS SQL Server
                      CREATE PROCEDURE get_employees_from_ssn_list @ssn_list VARCHAR(2000) 
                      AS SELECT e.* 
                           FROM tbl_employees e
                           JOIN dbo.ParmsToList(@ssn_list,',') f
                               ON f.value = e.ssn 
                          ORDER BY f.row_num;

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The JOIN with the function also works in Oracle.

7. Conclusions and Warnings

Though tempting and quick to implement, you should think at least twice before using one of the two first suggestions.
*XML Overhead*
The XML method is interesting to know, but the XML overhead (more data, more parsing) makes this method (likely) less efficient. Though, for an UPDATE of several rows at once, this can be a very powerful method. See concrete example in MS SQL here (requires registration):
In regards to the overhead, just do the math: consider you want to pass X items with N characters length.
With the CSV format, you will pass exactly (N*X) + (X-1), in short 1/Nth overhead.
For XML, you will need more: (N*X) + (X*7) + 7, in other words, over 7/Nth overhead.
This will negatively impact, with high load, network bandwidth to and from the server, as well as CPU and Memory usage on the server.
It is important that you know the string size limits of your database/version.
MS SQL Server 7 and 2000 VARCHAR == 8000
MS SQL Server 2005+ both XML and VARCHAR(MAX) == 2GB
MySQL's VARCHAR size depends on the version:
  up to MySQL 5.0.2 == 255
  MySQL 5.0.3 or higher == 64K
  Note: if you need more data for your list in MySQL, you might use a MEDIUMTEXT or LONGTEXT data type
Oracle's VARCHAR2 == 4000
Note: if you need more data for your list in Oracle, you will need a CLOB data type
I hope you find the article helpful for your current or future developments in any of the databases you are working with.
If you find/know some other method to implement the above, also in other databases, you are welcome to post that information here.


MS SQL Server
Create Stored Procedure:
SQL 2000:
SQL 2005:
SQL 2008:

Create Stored Procedure syntax:

sql prepare syntax:

Create Stored Procedure syntax:

Implement pipelined functions:

Using xml table extractions:
Guy Hengel [angelIII / a3]Billing Engineer

Comments (12)

Guy Hengel [angelIII / a3]Billing Engineer
Most Valuable Expert 2014
Top Expert 2009



  actually, you should NOT modify the sql function, but pass the data correctly using CDATA tags:

CHeers and thanks for your comment.
ValentinoVBI Consultant
Most Valuable Expert 2011

Hey A3,

Thanks for the CDATA tip, that makes sense!  I actually spent some time yesterday looking for something like that (as my workaround was kinda dirty...) but alas.  So thanks for mentioning this!

I still think that the function should be able to handle special XML characters by itself though, otherwise queries (or reports in my particular case) become too annoying to write.  In case someone is interested, here's the updated version using the clean CDATA tags:

(@Parameters varchar(max), @Delimiter varchar(10) )
RETURNS @result TABLE (value varchar(8000), row_num int identity )
	declare @xml XML

	SET @xml = '<t><r><![CDATA['
		+ REPLACE(@Parameters , @Delimiter, ']]></r><r><![CDATA[') + ']]></r></t>';

	INSERT INTO @result (value)
	SELECT t.r.value('.','VARCHAR(8000)') AS val
	FROM @xml.nodes('/t/r') as t(r);

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Best regards,
Jim HornSQL Server Data Dude
Most Valuable Expert 2013
Author of the Year 2015

I greatly enjoyed reading this article.  Voted Yes.
aikimarkGet vaccinated; Social distance; Wear a mask
Top Expert 2014

Jeff Moden (of no-RBAR fame) wrote an article in 2011 about parsing a CSV file.  He also compares his best algorithm against a CLR splitter.  The CLR (.Net app) wins by a wide margin.  If you have to pass a lot of delimited data in a high performance setting, then a .Net plug-in is the way to go.

The discussion about the article is incredible.  I learned a lot from reading and participating.
Guy Hengel [angelIII / a3]Billing Engineer
Most Valuable Expert 2014
Top Expert 2009


I have also found this page (for oracle) to be very interesting:
but must admit the code is not really "readable" ...

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